What is called a duplicate name or a confusing name when naming a business?

Duplicate name is the Vietnamese name of the enterprise requesting registration written exactly the same as the Vietnamese name of the registered enterprise.

The following cases are considered confusing names with the name of the registered enterprise:

+ Vietnamese names are pronounced the same;
+ Same abbreviation;
+ The name in a foreign language is the same;
+ The name is only different by a natural number, ordinal number or letters in the Vietnamese alphabet and the letters F, J, Z, W immediately after the proper name of that business (except in the case of a company). child of a registered company);
+ The proper name of an enterprise of the same type is only different from the registered name by the symbols "&", ".", "+", "-", "_" (except in the case of a subsidiary of a registered company). sign );
+ A proper name is only different from the proper name of a registered enterprise of the same type by the word "tan" immediately before or "new" immediately after or before the proper name of the registered enterprise (except in the case of a subsidiary of a company). Registered );
+ A proper name is only different from the proper name of a registered enterprise of the same type by the words "Northern", "Southern", "Central", "Western", "Eastern" or words with similar meanings ( except in the case of a subsidiary of a registered company);