Top 10 Best Cities For International Students In 2024

Based on the statistics from QS World University Rankings, we present to you an updated list of the top 10 excellent cities for international education dreams in 2024. These cities not only offer students exceptional academic opportunities but also provide them a welcoming and enriching cultural experience. Let’s take a look and plan the most for your journey!

In the list, London made it to the top spot with a total of 18 universities from the city being included in the QS World University Rankings 2024. One of these universities has even secured the sixth place in the top 10 globally, namely Imperial College London. 

The second and third place went to Tokyo (Japan) and Seoul (South Korea), two highly developed countries from Asia. Tokyo has been a popular destination based on its employer reputation. Positive feedback from students and alumni also contributed greatly to Tokyo's ranking.

Melbourne ranked number 4th and Sydney held the 7th place with respective scores: 97,3 and 96,2. Australia with its diverse student mix is considered one of the most safe and friendly countries in the world to overseas students. One international student shared with QS, “Melbourne is very internationally diverse and student-friendly. It is very easy to move around the city and there is always something interesting happening at any given time”.

There are 4 cities from Europe that came out in this list, namely Munich in 5th, Paris in 6th, Berlin and Zurich both secured the 8th spot with 95 points. The success of these cities can be attributed to its high placement in the measures of desirability, employer activity, and affordability.

Last but not least, ahead of New York city, the only city of the United States in the top 10 best destinations for international students is Boston. Home to MIT and Harvard, has a high ranking in the university rankings indicator. This is also thanks to Boston’s exceptional performance in employer activity, which highlights the prestigious reputation of its universities among employers worldwide.

According to QS, in a survey of over 110.000 students from 194 countries in 2022, the five most important factors for them when choosing a country or city to study include: High quality teaching (56%), Welcoming space for international students (55%), Appealing culture and lifestyle (47%), Good academic reputation (45%), Well-ranked in publications (39%).

The QS World University Ranking is an annual publication of university rankings that is compiled by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The ranking considers diverse factors, including academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty-to-student ratio, citations per faculty, international faculty ratio, and international student ratio. The maximum score is 100.