The penalty for Vietnam Visa Overstay and some tips to avoid

What is the Vietnam Visa overstay?

Visa overstay in Vietnam is the case in which a foreign nationality remains in Vietnam after the expiration date of their visa.

For the expiration date, this date is the last day of being allowed to stay in the country legally, and after the expiration date, if they remain in that country, they are considered to have overstayed their visa.

What is the penalty for Vietnam Visa overstay?

The penalty for overstaying the visa depends on the short or long overstay period. As follows:

  •  Expiry, overstay visa from 1 to 10 days: 1,250,000 VND
  •  Overdue visa 1 month: 4,000,000 VND
  • Overdue visa over 1-3 months: 10,000,000 VND
  • Overdue visa for 3 months or more: fine from 16,000,000 VND
  • Violations for 8 months or more will be fined from several tens of millions of dollars.
  • Foreigners residing in Vietnam without permission from competent authorities: A fine of from VND 30,000,000 to VND 40,000,000

How to Avoid Vietnam Visa Overstayed?

Some following tips can help you to avoid this case:

  • Always check the expiration date on the visa stamp right at Vietnam airports. There are cases in which the officials provide a wrong date on the stamp. That can be a huge issue and the travelers cannot explain all the details upon being caught violating Vietnam laws. So, please make sure that your visa shows correct details, especially the valid dates.
  • Take a note or set an alarm of the last date you must leave the country. Sometimes, you may not remember that date due to hospital treatment, an extended trip, lost documents or a wedding, which leads to overstaying your visa. Therefore, always remind yourself of this important date to avoid penalty.